An anthology of stories edited by Geoff Ryman. Collaborating between leading scientists and literary authors, this unique experiment creates a new strain of science fiction by extending the repertoire of the genre beyond the common places of space travel, time travel, and artificial intelligence. Through the use of diverse, credible, and contemporary research areas - from Planck length to plankton and virtual conversations between Wittgenstein and Turing to future civilizations torn asunder by differences over particle physics - these stories reinstate the furnace of scientific endeavour. Text taken from Fantastic Fiction.
"'Highly engaging and fascinating... this thought-provoking collection reminded me why I used to like science fiction so much... Eventually, one hopes, science fiction will regain its rightful place - as once again stranger than science.'” - The GuardianSpecial Offer: We are offering this title at 25% off the publisher's RRP