The Litfest Big Read
Part of the 2022 Festival

For the Big Read in 2022, we encouraged everyone to come together to read one of our two favourite recently published books. The Big Read has now ended, but we’d still love you to read the books and let us know what you thought!
“I have always believed there is magic in libraries, this belief inspired ’The Girl Who Became A Tree’ a tale about journeys, about other worlds and those we miss and the power of books to bridge all three. I can’t wait to interact with readers as part of The Big Read” – Joseph Coelho
“To keep our bodies strong we eat and exercise, to keep our minds sharp we read and talk about what to read.” – Jennifer Nansubuga Makumbi
The Library
Borrow print, order e-books from the library
Litfest is a volunteer board-run organisation operating in Lancaster and the surrounding areas. We put on a full festival programme every year, and we’re also involved in a whole host of other events and projects. We’ve been lucky to have lots of exciting authors, poets and illustrators involved with the festival over the years, and we hope to continue that legacy in the future.