The Lancaster Environment Lecture

The Lancaster Environment Lecture is a joint venture between Litfest and the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences and Lancaster Environment Centre at Lancaster University.

‘The Children of the Anthropocene’

At 7.00pm on 15 May, conservationist and environmental activist Bella Lack will give the fourth Lancaster Environment Lecture in the Margaret Fell Lecture Theatre at Lancaster University.

‘Another England is Possible’

On April 25, the ever-inspiring Green MP Caroline Lucas delivered the third annual Lancaster Environment Lecture, in conversation with Edward Simpson of Lancaster University.

‘Feeding the World without Devouring the Planet’

In May 2023, author, Guardian columnist and environmental campaigner George Monbiot delivered a brilliant, compelling lecture on our food systems and their environmental impact.

‘Earth Democracy’

Vandana Shiva gave the inaugural Lancaster International Fiction Lecture as part of Litfest 2022 — you can catch up via the online streaming platform Crowdcast by clicking below.