Nathan Parker – The Rise of the Chemist
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Granville is in a mess once more. The streets are infested with Charge, a deadly synthetic drug concocted by an enigma known as The Chemist.
It is a young adult fiction book, following Tommy’s difficult battle for justice, in a town where crime rules. A series of teenage deaths triggered by a deadly synthetic drug, thrusts Tommy into the midst of an undercover operation. The targets? The Chemist, creator of the lethal, designer substance known as Charge, and the O’Clearys, a local crime family with their fingers in all kinds of illicit pies.
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Granville is in a mess once more. The streets are infested with Charge, a deadly synthetic drug concocted by an enigma known as The Chemist. Tommy finds himself in the midst of scandal yet again, as terrifying danger closes in on him; drugs, deaths and deception.
After hitting a rocky patch with Kirsten and things at home as tricky as ever, Tommy feels as though he is invisible. But when Detective Brightwell calls upon his help in cracking the case, Tommy is immediately immersed into the Granville underworld, with the key surely lying with infamous crime family, the O’Clearys. With the threat of Smiler looming, trustworthy people are hard to find. So who can he count on this time to help him muddle through this impossible situation?
The Rise of the Chemist is the second book in the Granville Series, sequel to The Disappearance of Timothy Dawson. It is a young adult fiction book, following Tommy’s difficult battle for justice, in a town where crime rules. A series of teenage deaths triggered by a deadly synthetic drug, thrusts Tommy into the midst of an undercover operation. The targets? The Chemist, creator of the lethal, designer substance known as Charge, and the O’Clearys, a local crime family with their fingers in all kinds of illicit pies.
With one eye looking over his shoulder for the threat of Smiler (book one), Tommy must decide between what is right and what is easy. With complications arising with Kirsten, and the relentless drive of Detective Brightwell, he finds himself questioning everybody and everything. Once injected into the O’Cleary family, Tommy comes face to face with a harsh, brutal reality, which he scrambles to escape from.
But is it too late? Will Tommy find a way out? Will Granville ever be safe from Charge?
About the Author
Nathan Parker was born and raised in Blackpool, England. His career has been spent in the Youth Work sector across schools and the community, specialising in substance misuse and resilience. Nathan’s first novel, The Disappearance of Timothy Dawson, was shortlisted for the prestigious Lancashire Book of the Year Award 2019. Nathan’s writing combines real life grit and adversity into thrilling plot lines with authentic characters who you can’t help but build a connection with.