Our planet is dying killed by our hand,
Wherever you look there’s no more green land.
We’re all buying a big fancy car,
Leaving on our planet an enormous scar.
We are building more and more
So, Earth no longer looks like before.

People are leaving litter everywhere
When you can find a bin nearly anywhere.
We’re spending billions to study space,
When saving our planet feels like a race.
Fish are dying in the seas,
Nobody is planting trees,
Animals are disappearing,
Hunting season is all we’re hearing.

A simple life and being selfless
Would help our planet feeling hopeless.
If everyone would try together
We’ll make our planet live forever
Building less and planting more
We’ll change our planet to the core.
Clean the oceans and fish less
And then finally we’ll see some progress.
Use public transport, driving less
And climate change we will supress.