We, spectres of intelligence,
We loathe ourselves!
We, you, me, us, our – them?
We are free, belonging nowhere.
Itemised, categorised,
Cognised – uncogniscious,
Anonymous and forgotten.
We care for the opinion of the ignorant
Our minds are our hearts and we feel with things.
With things we feel.
Goodbye green trees in open spaces.
Green we hate Adam Decay, Green we hate ourselves.
We, you, me, us, our – them?
We are free, burning dimly.
Green Decay, Green Adam Decay, itemising…
Ignored statements
X Adam has decayed off the rails
Y Adam is green
Z his rails still screech.
Loud is the taste of silent thoughts,
Soft is the screech of the buckled rails.
We complex beasts in our finery.
We hateful screaming rocks.
We loathe ourselves.
We, you, me, us, our – them?
We are free, fading fast.
Adam Decay,
A flood of remorse,
An edifice of sheep.
We are ignorant, Adam,
We are ignorant of ignorance.
Inscrutable from all angles,
But we of ignominious ignominity,
We of and from all angles,
A flood of remorse,
An edifice of sheep.
We – Loathe – Ourselves.