A picturesque view,
Surrounded by glorious snow-topped mountains.
What would you do,
If that snow turned into fountains?
A picturesque view,
Surrounded by nature at its finest.
What would you do,
If the woods became silenced?
A picturesque view,
Overlooked by a sky so blue.
What would you do,
If it turned grey and became an issue?
A picturesque view,
Surrounded by lochs filled with beauty.
What would you do,
If the loch became empty?
A picturesque view,
Covered in soft white sand.
What would you do,
If the shore became a wasteland?
A picturesque view,
Surrounded by nature and trees.
What would you do,
If it was all bricks – placed down in a breeze
A picturesque view,
One I’d like to keep.
What will you do,
To make me smile – not weep!